Christian Education & Youth

oh jonah

Sunday Church School

Temporarily suspended due to Covid 19.

We offer year-round Sunday Church School for children ages 3-Grade 6.  Instruction for older children is available if requested.  We have a rotating schedule of dedicated volunteer teachers who use the Heartshaper curriculum materials.  Children attend the beginning of the worship service and then are dismissed prior to the sermon for Sunday School.  Children can also participate at Christmas in the annual Christmas Pageant and in the summer music / theater camp.

Our Christian Education Committee also offers, periodically, intergenerational activities including Birthday Bags for our Food Pantry, Advent Birch logs, a winter congregational luncheon and a July Strawberry Festival to raise funds for our summer music / theater camp.  In June we host an annual Graduation Brunch for the Freedom Elementary School’s 6th graders.


Adult Study & Bible Study

Temporarily suspended. 

George T. Davidson, Jr. Scholarships for College Students

Each year $800 – $1,000 scholarships are awarded to area students from a memorial fund established several years ago. This scholarship is open to anyone who intends to further his or her education in an accredited post-secondary institution.  Applications may be obtained from the Kennett Regional High School or from the church office 539-6484 or [email protected].  Applications are due by May 1.

A committee of church members will select recipients and the scholarship is awarded at the awards ceremony of Kennett High.  These scholarships may be renewed on an annual basis as well.  Students wishing to renew, must use the same application and submit an attached essay.

Davidson Scholarship Application 2025